Objective: To provide students with a break from the monotony of keyboarding textbook drills.
Procedure: Sometimes it can be monotonous for students to continually key in assignments from word processing or keyboarding textbooks. To break up the routine, have your students type the lyrics of popular songs. Here’s how it works:
- Obtain copies of a variety of song lyrics and then pass them out to your students. You can find a host of downloadable song lyrics online at https://www.lyricsondemand.com/. This website contains a searchable database that provides the lyrics to thousands of popular songs.
- Instruct the students to key in the lyrics as they show on the handout.
- Encourage them NOT to use their backspace key.
- When done, have your students compare what they typed for accuracy to the original song.
Materials Needed: A variety of song lyrics printed out and then provided to students as handouts.
Variation: Play music to popular songs. Ask the students to type the lyrics as they hear them. After the song ends provide them with the lyrics so they can compare and revise as needed to complete the song.
KeyMaster Variation: After each song, verse, or ask the students to blackout 3-5 keys of their Learning Lights Keyboard. Repeat until the entire keyboard is blank.
Time Required: One class period
Contributor: Larry Luehrs, Business Technology Teacher, Kahuku High School, Kahuku, HI
Download this Lesson Plan as a PDF Here: Song Lyrics Lesson Plan