Touch Typing Challenge: Thinking While Typing

Touch Typing Challenge: Thinking While Typing

How to Develop Critical Thinking Skills in Kids | WorksheetCloud

Objective:  To reinforce touch type mastery and proper technique.  Each exercise challenges students to “think while typing”--provide the missing vowels, insert the missing words, delete the repeated words, untangle words, provide capital letters, etc. to the copy.

Procedure:  Print and distribute one of the following handouts:

Instruct students to open a new word processing document (Microsoft Word or Google Docs).  As students type each exercise on the  provided handout(s), let them know that you will be watching for proper technique and correct finger reaches.  Encourage students to exercise their keyboarding muscles by using short bursts of energy on keystrokes throughout the activity.

Materials Needed:  Thinking While Typing handouts (links provided above) .  KeyMaster Learning Lights Keyboard® (optional).  Word processing software.

Time Required:   Ten minutes – Each exercise is meant to be a quick warm-up or review that allows students a break from the keyboarding software they may be using on a daily basis.  

KeyMaster Variation:  When using the KeyMaster Learning Lights KeyBoard® , instruct students to set key visibility to match assigned drills.  For example, when doing left-handed drill sheet, turn off visibility of key characters on the left side of the keyboard by pressing ctrl + alt + key.  For other drills, ask students to black out 5 or more keys that would challenge them during the exercises.



Visit our Keyboarding Classroom Activities page for more classroom ready resources!

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