Purpose: This Halloween keyboarding activity is intended to foster friendly competition between classmates by typing a Halloween poem, one stanza at a time. At the end of each stanza, the fastest/most accurate student will be rewarded with a small piece of candy.
1. Display the first stanza of the Halloween Poem on a screen visible to all students.
2. Tell students that the first one to type each stanza correctly and shout out the Halloween keyword will be rewarded with a small Halloween treat. (You may choose the same keyword for each stanza, like “BOO,” or choose a new keyword for each stanza.)
3. Beginning with stanza #1, have the students type each section of the poem with only one stanza visible at a time. There are 12 stanzas in the Halloween Poem!
A treat can be given to the fastest student and most accurate student per stanza or to every student who completes the entire poem.
Stanza Halloween keywords could include: Halloween, Vampire, Witch, Skeleton, Ghost, Mummy, Reaper, Werewolf, Pumpkin, Zombie, Easter Bunny, Happy Halloween!
Note: Use the Trick or Treat Typing PPTX presentation to move through the poem or create your own visual using the Trick or Treat Poem document.
Materials Needed:
Small Halloween-themed treats or prizes can be given at the end of each round or to every student who completes the poem successfully.
Variations: This competition can become spooktacularly creative by allowing students to add their own final stanza to the Halloween poem! A small prize or extra credit could be given for the scariest, silliest, or most creative verse!
For an added challenge, use the KeyMaster® Keyboard to blank out learner’s keys and have them type Happy Halloween, Goblins & Ghouls, Trick or Treat, or any other Halloween themed words.
Time Required: Teacher’s discretion
Download this Lesson Plan and Slide Show Here: Trick Or Treat Typing Activity
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