We know there are too many keyboarding games and resources out there, and many of them aren’t worth your time. So we’ve handpicked "Five Fast and Furious” racing games that are tried and true winners that your emerging typists are guaranteed to LOVE!
1. Nitro Type Attack
Not your typical Nitro Type, in this Nitro Type race your vehicle is approached on all sides with enemy vehicles you can shoot and destroy by typing each word correctly. But watch out, if you miss an enemy vehicle will return fire on you! 20 hits and game over!! https://typingtestnow.com/app/typing_games/nitro-type-race.html
2. Sky Chase
This multi-player typing game allows up to 12 students to play against each other in this high flying airplane race, all while practicing their keyboarding skills! Each word typed correctly will give your plane an extra burst of power!
3. Desert Typing Racer
This is a pretty fun take on race car driving. Type words correctly to move vehicles out of your path. If you get overwhelmed use the space bar to jump over vehicles. If another vehicle crashes into you it will damage your vehicle and slow you down. Don’t get hit too many times or you’re out of the race!
4. Nitro Type Classic
What can I say, my kids even play this one at home! This is probably the most popular online keyboarding game out there. Typists play against other players to get their car to the finish line first. The faster you type, the faster you go!
5. TypeRush
Similar to Nitro type, but with a cleaner game platform and your choice between two great ways to race: Street Racing or Boat Racing!
**For added fun in each of these typing races, use the KeyMaster Learning Lights Keyboard to blank out learner’s keyboards for extra exciting blackout rounds around the race track!
Download this Lesson Plan as a PDF Here: 5 Fast and Furious Racing Games Lesson Plan